Guerrilla Gardening Club

501(c)3 NonProfit Educational Program:

Young Adult; mentoring, education, job training, job placement.

Curriculum; urban farming ecology, communications, sustainable hustle & survival.

Short Films

See our collection of short films and mini-documentaries.

Zero Waste

Find out more about our Zero Waste programs


Find out where the Guerrilla Gardeners will be out in action.

Worldwide GGC

The GGC is a worldwide organization. See where our base-camps are anywhere on the globe.

Our Mission

The club Supervisor is the engineer, but all members & directors participate cooperatively. Providing a sustainable living to members as they wish is the core mission.

Providing volunteer landscape service on public & private property is the core action. Providing sustainable urban farming to club members & the local community is a necessary function. Providing a recycling & waste management program is the current primary fundraising. Providing opportunities for legal hustle & employment is the regular daily program.

Our Program

The Guerrilla Gardening Club Program allows young street-wise men & women an opportunity to learn about plants, biology & community through the Learn-By-Doing process.

As a 501(c)3 Nonprofit, the Guerrilla Gardening Club provides avenues of education, employment & sustainable life practices for young adults in our local community at no cost to club-members. Housing, Food, Clothing, Materials & Education are necessary to sustain growth & hustle. The GGC Urban Farming Facilities provide the stage for legal plant sales, gardening, recycling, education & safety.

  • Mentoring 80% 80%
  • Education 90% 90%
  • Job Training 60% 60%
  • Job Placement 40% 40%

More About Us

What service does the GGC provide to the community?
The club plans, plants and maintains public & private property landscapes. The club provides labor, recycling, composting & waste management services for businesses, productions & events. The club provides urban farming products. The club provides composting services & education. The club provides laborers for hire.
What service does the GGC provide to the members?
Housing, Food, Clothing, Materials & Education are necessary to sustain growth & hustle. The club creates & maintains Urban Farming Facilities where members are safe to grow & distribute urban farming products cooperatively. The club fields requests for gardening, labor & job placement; & passes these contacts onto the appropriate club-members. The club manages the Zero Waste & Recycling Program, the main source of fundraising. The GGC Supervisor mentors & educates members on gardening, urban farming, composting, recycling, waste management, sustainable living & legal hustling.
What is the mission plan for the GGC?
The club is developing the Urban Farming Facilities to grow & sell products. The club is contracting events for fundraising through the Zero Waste & Recycling Program. The club voluntarily gardens public property weekly. The club provides housing, food, education, employment opportunities & materials for members, as they wish.

Our Guerrilla Gardening Club Leadership

Scott Bunnell

Scott Bunnell


After gardening guerrilla style for over 20 years Scott Bunnell started SoCal Guerrilla Gardening in 2008. With many years of experience gardening before starting covert plantings we developed the Clean, Green, and Glean method of guerrilla gardening.

1. Name, Origin, Current Location, & web link for resume & publications. “Mr Glean”

OC Weekly

LA Curbed

Why do you garden? No way to be closer to nature than to enter act with plants (and animals).

What are the gardens like in your current location? All gardens are deep in the cycle of life.

What is Guerrilla Gardening? Many Things.

Who do you garden with? Anyone that will garden with me. (well almost everyone – had to ditch some Trump-ers) . Sorry for the weird.

Andrea Giordani

Andrea Giordani

GGC Quarto Inferiore, Italy

(Answers in Italian below)
Why do you garden? I garden on public land  for my sons because I want that they think to their city as if it were their own home and because I hope that we could be insipiration for those who see us with our hands in the soil. Dirt is not dirty. I call it awakening consciousness.
What are the gardens like in your current location? My gardens are located in Quarto Inferiore, a small village in northern Italy.
What is Guerrilla Gardening? Guerrilla gardening (I prefer to call it “unauthorized gardening”) is gardening people. It’s sowing and seed always find the right place and the right time to sprout. That’s grew for flowers and people.
Who do you garden with? Mostly, I garden lonely. I’m a lone wolf. But since I’ve met the Morro Bay Guerrilla Gardening Club, my vision of the unauthorised gardening is changing daily. Doing it for the community is good. Doing it with the community could be better.
“The Italian version of my answers to your questionnaire.” ~ Andrea “Fante di Fiori”

In Italian:

Perché fai giardinaggio?
Faccio giardinaggio su terreno pubblico per I miei figli perché voglio che pensino alla loro città come alla loro stessa casa e perché spero che possiamo essere di ispirazione per tutti quelli che ci vedono quando mettiamo le mani nella terra. La terra non sporca. E’ ciò che chiamo “risvegliare coscienze assopite”.
Dove sono i tuoi giardini?
I miei giardini si trovano a Quarto Inferiore, un piccolo paese nel nord Italia.
Cos’è il guerrilla gardening?
Il guerrilla gardening (che io preferisco chiamare “giardinaggio non autorizzato”) è soprattutto coltivare le persone. E’ una semina e un seme trova sempre il posto e il tempo giusto in cui germogliare. Questo vale per i fiori e per le persone.
Con chi fai giardinaggio?
Di solito, faccio giardinaggio da solo. Sono un lupo solitario. Ma da quando ho incontrato i ragazzi del  Morro Bay Guerrilla Gardening Club, la mia visione del giardinaggio non autorizzato cambia di giorno in giorno. Farlo per la comunità è una buona cosa. Farlo per la comunità potrebbe essere meglio.
Darren Chard

Darren Chard

GGC Los Angeles

Darren Kenneth Chard born Huntington Beach, raised in Whittier CA. Lived in Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Morro Bay, La Habra Heights, and currently reside in Costa Mesa CA. with my beautiful wife Rachel Chard (pictures with Darren above).
Business web site:
Instagram; Hortforte and Poplandscaping
Houzz: Professional Outdoor Perspective Orange County Landscape Contractor
Why do you garden?
I’m a lazy gardener, so I garden to do as little work in the future in my gardens, with the highest possible yields. I garden to reconnect with our planet. I garden to grow food for my family and friends as well as strangers. I garden to make money. I garden for charity. I garden to beautify. I garden to eliminate the need for residential weekly gardeners. I garden to eliminate the use of pesticides, petroleum products, and chemicals. I garden to provide food and shelter for wildlife. I garden to create jobs and opportunities for myself and others. I garden for the thrill of it. I garden to express my suppressed artistic side. I garden to preserve gardening and defy monopolistic global food production and dependence on it. I garden to challenge the norm and implement a sustainable gardening practices.
What are the gardens like in your current location? 
I recently moved into an apartment with a tiny shady patio. I garden here to create privacy for my apartment, add beauty and interest, inspire neighbors, and nurse problematic plant material back to health.
What is Guerrilla Gardening?
For me personally, many many years ago, guerrilla gardening was trespassing and planting forbidden and illegal crops on vacant or remote land. Usually done in the dark in the middle of the night. Many of mornings I awoke to the realization that I had been gardening in poison Oak the night before. Since then, with the changes in the law that our society has embraced, I was introduced to a new type of Guerrilla Gardening through Scott and Taylor.
G.G. now is an opportunity to share knowledge, spread my succulents all over CA., volunteer my work, meet new people, share and exchange ideas, and beautify a once fallow barren plot of soil.
Who do you garden with? 
I garden with family, friends, employees, clients, and strangers.
Taylor Newton GGC Morro Bay

Name, Origin, Current Location, & web link for resume & publications.

Name> Taylor Newton

Origin> Sacramento, California

Current Location> Morro Bay, California


  1. Here are a few short videos the Morro Bay GGC is featured in:

  1. This article was published in 2016 by the SLO Telegram Tribune for the “SLO County Top 20 under 40 Award”:

  1. This article was published in November 2015 by SLO Journal: pg16-17

  1. These articles were published in 2013 by Rotary International in the “Rotarian Magazine”:

  1. This article was published in 2011 by SLO Life Magazine: (pg20)
  1. This article was published in 2014 by the SLO Telegram Tribune:

  1. This article was published in 2014 by The Bay News:

The Guerrilla Gardening Club is a fully tax-deductible 501(c)3 NonProfit Organization, we ask for “Community Partners & Sponsors” to help our local community grow.